Friday, August 17, 2012

Pussy Riot: WWJD?

My country does some stupid shit.  And we're free to talk about it.

We continue to bomb innocent brown children in foreign lands long after we killed our killer Osama bin Laden.  We enthusiastically vote for TV celebrities more than we vote for our elected officials.  We drive gas guzzling SUVs to drop off our glass recycling.  We organize Appreciation Days and Kiss-Ins at fried chicken joints to either support or protest freedom of speech or freedom to love or to donate business funds to organizations that promote traditional family values or organizations that promote death to homosexuals, however you look at it.  

And not just now.  Our enlightened founders wrote documents honoring the idea that all men are created equal at the same time their wives and slaves were not granted the same rights they were.  We're a walking, flag flying, contradiction, We The People.

Imperfect though we are, I'm still proud to be an American.  I'm not big on nationalism or geopolitical pride, but my heart sings Lee Greenwood songs on days like today, reading about the guilty verdict for the ever so quaint sounding "hooliganism" the Russian government handed down to the members of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot.  I'm a Christian and I find what they did - danced and sang in Moscow's main cathedral about the wrongful nepotism in the Russian Orthodox Church's support of another Putin term - praiseworthy, not blasphemous.  They weren't saying "Fuck You, Christians!"  or even "Fuck You, God!"  It seems to me they were simply questioning the ethics behind the church-state union.

Since when did the formerly Godless communists get so bent out of shape over mere words criticizing religious leaders from some outspoken citizens?  Didn't Jesus criticize religious leaders during his time?  It seems to me these Pussy Riot chicks are more WWJD than Putin and his church minions are.

Separation of church and state:  It's a beautiful thing Americans should not take for granted.

If I ever offend you--which trust me I will because I'm a sweet and tender hooligan--don't jail me.  Why don't we try having a conversation first?  Like we do here in the free world.

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