Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sick-a Sick N Tired

Home with a fever and a head filled with gunk, after having been sick with norovirus last week, I caught myself singing this lyric from the Red Hot Chili Peppers song Fight Like a Brave, off their album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan:

if you're sick-a sick n tired 
of being sick n tired

I became nostalgic for that April 13, 1988 KU Ballroom show--on Hillel Slovak's birthday, just two months before his death--when I got to see the band live for the first time. It was also the first and only time my hippie-trapped-in-an-eighties-material-world-ass ever slam danced, just me with daisies in my hair and a handmade dress and a room full of my closest punk friends with their lopsided hair and safety pins pinned in the most unsafe ways.  It was profoundly fun and slightly painful, kinda like life itself.

I couldn't find any clips from that show, but the one above, featuring Slovak's last performance, reminds me of that night.  Back when I was cool and rebellious and ready to stick it to The Man rather than old and feverishly wanting to stick it to these microbes getting me down.  These old aches summoned from current aches, reminding me that some aches feel pretty good.

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