Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Hate Shopping

It's hot.  So hot even I, unusually modest about my body for someone in my culture, have taken to wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts.  And sundresses.  Ah, yes.  Whoever invented the sundress loves women.

I decided today I need more sundresses.  Unfortunately, shopping is a complete bitch to me.  I hate it.  I'm a difficult size to find.  I have unusual taste.  I'm frugal.  I'm impatient.  I'm lazy.  Such a combination that it  impedes a shopping trip so much I often just forget about it rather than go to all the trouble to buy myself something when it pops into my head that I have a clothing need.

It's so hot, though, I've begun online window shopping.  I'll probably change my mind and convince myself it would be better in the long run to spend the money on my car repair bills rather than something comfy and cool...but oh wouldn't it be nice to have this soft dress to wear?

So I start seriously thinking of purchasing it.  I check to see if they have my size.  It's a miracle: they do.  So I check out all the images of the model posing at different angles.  Then I notice it.

This is a thin, small breasted woman modeling a dress advertised to a fat, large-breasted woman.  I specified "plus size" in my inquiry.  I had even checked that they have my size.  So why can't they get a woman my size to model clothes I'm trying to envision myself wearing?  Why the one-size-fits-all model slinging the choose-your-size apparel?  I know I'm not a tall, skinny woman.  It won't hurt my feelings to let me see a model closer to my reality.

And so then I click the big x and don't bother buying it.  Maybe I should take up sewing.

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